Friday, November 8, 2013


This isn't a subject I've really talked a lot about. It has come to my mind, but I know in my heart I'll make it through this. But.. I've recently found out that my sister in the fight has been getting bad news. First that her breast cancer spread to her lungs, then colon, now liver, bones, neck & still some spots in her lungs.

It's scary. She has two small kids and a husband. I can't even fathom hearing those words from the doctor. It was the first time it was brought up... now that it has been spreading like crazy...

This is my first experience with it.. my lovely, tough friend... I just... idk... I know to some extent what it's like, but this is another ballpark. I just pray that God gives her & her family to keep fighting & that just cause she heard those words being a possibility, doesn't mean it will.

I have faith.

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