I have so much shit in my head. Trying to do things a bit differently. I wanna feel good. I wanna do good. Trying to love myself. It's a lot harder than you may think, but I'm doing my best.
Fuck, I feel like all my posts sound the same.
25 year old, cancer fighting, Warrior Queen.
I have so much shit in my head. Trying to do things a bit differently. I wanna feel good. I wanna do good. Trying to love myself. It's a lot harder than you may think, but I'm doing my best.
Fuck, I feel like all my posts sound the same.
As always, I come saying how it's been so long since I've jotted down my thoughts & how I'm gonna start blogging more, nope. Doesn't happen. Too much has happened (another thing I always say), but life won't give me a damn break. I just want everything to stop already. I want people to stop breaking me down. I want people to be kind. To be thoughtful. To think of others. To realize that their words impact people, good or bad. Is that to much to ask for? Well, it seems like it.
There are a lot of situations that I want to talk about, but these things I don't feel comfortable talking about on such a public space.
I've been crying a lot lately. Seems as though the past 2 years, my heart has been surrounded by ice. It's starting to melt away or it could just be that I've been pushed around lately & just making me over-emotional. I pick the second reason.
I try not use the cancer card as an excuse for things, but it's a major role as to why I'm the way I am now. I'm strong, but I'm weak. I'm happy, but I'm sad. I wish people would look a bit further.. go behind the surface.. look beyond those wounds. Maybe she's being like that for a reason..
I wanna say I'm a good person. I'm not perfect, but I try my best to be the best me I can be. I don't think i'm cruel to people, even those I don't necessarily have a liking too. I'd never be vicious to anyone. If I speak about something, it's because I genuinely have concern about it. I don't like wasting my time or being mean to others. What's that gonna do? I feel like lately people are tearing apart my spirit. It's not like I'm allowing them to, but they creep in there & do or say whatever. As much as I brush it off, I AM HUMAN. There's only so much I can take. Even when I know I'm right, I take the beating for being "wrong." I'm more concerned about it than you. I apologize first. I muster up every inch of my being to make things right, but I'm always in the wrong. I say the wrong thing. I do the wrong thing. My feelings don't matter. My thoughts don't matter. My heart doesn't matter. I don't matter.
This is all I have the energy for right now. I guess you'll have to wait another 3 months.
Hello all! As always, I'm posting months later than I intend to. So much has gone on, but has it ever really slowed down? I had my implants put in on October 17th. It's something that I'm adjusting to & I'm not sure if I was emotionally prepared for this change. Everyone keeps asking me what size I went & it has really started to irritate me. Honestly, who the fuck cares what size I decided to get?! Or why my "D" size foobs, don't look like a "D".
I understand people are curious, but gosh darn it, y'all need to be a little more sensitive towards me. Have your boobs removed & get a "boob job" & tell me how you feel, huh! This shit is traumatic. My doctor said she was going to do everything possible to make them look as normal as they can look, but let's face it, they won't look 100%. They're not going to look like when a vain chick wants to get her boobs done.
I know I'm still swollen & all that, but I'm finding the imperfections already, but I remind myself over & over that it's not going to look the same. Your skin can only stretch & adapt after so much trauma. I mean, I am happy that I finally got this done & they do look good for being what it is, but it's a lot to take in.
Well, I guess that's enough ranting for one night.