Friday, May 17, 2013

It all has lead up to this..

<p dir=ltr>Greetings Earthlings.. the day has finally come. Surgery. It went by so slow, yet so fast. At the beginning of the year I was so stoked for all the changes that 2013 would bring; graduating SDSU with my BA, moving away to LA, being with my best friend, enjoying life. Now, I lay here on the day that would've been my graduation, the day before the physical changes begin, and just wonder. </p>
<p dir=ltr>My world had completely changed. I'm living with a life-threatening disease, but I won't dare let that stop me from living life. I won't lie, I've had my moments where I felt like giving up, I contemplated if all this was would be worth it. Answer is, yes, of course. I'm important, I matter. I've gotten knocked down, but I always get back up &amp; go at it again. Now with more passion cause my life is on the line.</p>
<p dir=ltr>As I face these changes, I wonder how I'm going to feel when I see who I will become. I am going to try my best to remain the same chick; be my loud, goofy, strange, awkward, courageous, brave, BEAUTIFUL, Warrior Queen, self. It won't be easy, &amp; I'll have huge hurdles to climb, but mark my word, you're gonna see me succeed. </p>
<p dir=ltr>Now with this staring at me straight in the eyes, I have a few hopes &amp; dreams for my future. I want to get better & be healthy. I'm going to work hard at getting a nice booty, to make up not having boobies for awhile. I also hope to lose my baby fat on my face, the chubby cheeks & double chin. I want to look like my 22 year old self, not when I was 2. I want to graduate by Spring 2014. Next, I hope to move away, find myself, volunteer, & find a job that I absolutely love doing. I know I'd be perfect in the realm of helping others in similar situations as mine. Then one day I hope & pray that God sends me the best man for me. That when he sees me, his eyes see past the physical aspect & sees my strength, courage, bravery & admires me & gets inspired to live life to the fullest. The ULTIMATE wish is to get married & have lots of babies. Out of everything I mentioned, this is the most important.. creating a family of my own. The most special thing anyone can experience. I pray that I get to live that beautiful life, happily. Live a long, satisfied life, so when I'm old, I can look at my husband sitting next to me outside & see our grandchildren playing in the yard, enjoying the gorgeous wonders on this Earth.

Now THAT'S the life right there..

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